In der zweiten Folge des Connected Engineering Podcasts geht es um Tobias Wigand und seine Rolle bei Synera.
Tobias hat einen Hintergrund im Maschinenbau und war über ein Jahrzehnt in der Automobilindustrie tätig. Er arbeitete in verschiedenen Abteilungen, darunter Materialentwicklung, CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering), Karosseriebau (BIW) und leitete später eine Digitalisierungsabteilung. Vor etwa einem Jahr kam er zu Synera und arbeitet derzeit als Customer Success Manager, der Kunden beim Erreichen ihrer strategischen Ziele unterstützt.

Listeners can expect to learn about the challenges and opportunities in implementing connected engineering in various industries and departments. The episode explores the differences between traditional and agile engineering workflows and how adopting connected engineering can lead to faster product development and reduced time to market.
Tobias provides real-world examples of successful projects where Synera's technology made a significant impact, leading to improved product development and cost savings. The episode also touches on the importance of mindset shifts and trust building within organizations during technology adoption.
The episode offers valuable insights and real-life experiences that will surely inspire engineers and professionals to explore the world of connected engineering and its transformative potential.
Synera's mission is clear: to give every engineer the freedom and power to shape the future through process innovation, ultimately transforming the way we approach engineering workflows and product development.