Seamlessly integrate AI into your engineering tasks

Bridge the gap between Engineering and AI through efficient, automated training data generation, reduced order modeling and Cloud AI integration.

Training data generation

Reduced Order Models (ROMs) are key tools to speed up development. Synera enables engineers to automate training data generation for ROMs without any programming skills, directly from relevant data like CAD and simulation results.

AI / ML Module

Train and use basic Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models without additional tools. Synera’s built-in AI nodes provide a low-barrier entry into AI for engineers and offer multiple import/export formats for more advanced use cases.

Interface to Cloud AI

Tap into the ever growing universe of cloud AI by connecting Large Language Models or Generative AI to your engineering processes. With Synera’s web nodes, any AI service with a REST-API becomes an engineering tool.

Easy Python integration

Put the power and versatility of Python’s vast landscape of AI and ML modules into the hands of engineers. Integrate new or existing Python AI scripts into Synera’s low-code environment and make them accessible even to non-programmers.

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Accelerate Reduced Order Model training

Harness the power of Reduced Order Models (ROMs) to predict key performance indices of higher order engineering problems – like structural mechanics or fluid dynamics – in a fraction of the time.

Synera now allows engineers to greatly speed up the creation of ROMs by automating training data generation. Synera’s visual programming language allows to fully connect parametric CAD, complex analyses like FEA or CFD and post processing of results to produce hundreds of training samples without manual interaction.

And with with the ONNX and FMU connectors, Synera directly connects to sophisticated models like Deep Neural Networks created in Siemens ROM Builder or Altair ROM AI – streamlining the whole process of ROM creation.

Train and run ROMs built with Siemens ROM Builder or Altair ROM AI

Fully automate training data generation using CAD, FEA and more...

Built-in machine learning models

Discover our whitepaper "AI in Engineering"

Find out how Artificial Intelligence is impacting your product development. Discover how AI and the Synera Low-Code Platform are revolutionising automotive engineering through improved crash simulation, accurate cost forecasting, optimised simulation data and many other use cases.

Download the whitepaper

The fully automated CAE mesh creation and AI algorithm have been transformative for our program. Within seconds, we obtain Head Impact Crash (HIC) values, saving precious time and resources in simulation and computing. The integration of higher resolution data led to a safer design and reduced time-to-market.

Richard Kordaß

Project Leader Innovation, EDAG

Boost creativity with Cloud AI services

Use the power of Cloud AI in your engineering projects and open up new possibilities for creativity and efficiency. By seamlessly connecting generative AI tools like ML-ephant, validation services like Monolith AI or Large Language Models to engineering processes, the automation of design, reduced order modeling, report generation or text-to-CAD become a reality. With Synera’s built-in web nodes, engineers can easily tap into any web-based AI service without coding skills.

Connect to any Cloud AI service that exposes an API

Easy-to-use web nodes

Dive deeper with Python

Directly interface your engineering data with your tried and tested Python AI models built in TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch or other machine learning libraries. Leverage the data processing powers of Numpy and Pandas to automate the preparation of training data and result processing.With Synera’s Python node and integrated code editor, turning your existing Python scripts and environments into reusable nodes comes easy.

Turn your existing Python AI models into easy-to-use Synera nodes

Turbocharge  your engineering automations with Python AI

Practical Machine Learning for Engineers

Deep dive into ML's impact on engineering: applications, breaking barriers, future tools, and trends.

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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about our product.
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Please contact support.

Is Synera a generative AI tool?

No, Synera is not a generative AI tool itself. Instead, it acts as an enabler of AI in engineering workflows, facilitating the integration of AI into various engineering processes.

How are you different from other AI tools for engineers?

Synera stands out by simplifying the integration of AI into engineering workflows, making it accessible to engineers without coding skills. It focuses on enhancing existing engineering processes by acting as an enabler rather than offering AI as a standalone tool.

How can you integrate existing AI models?

Synera offers easy integration of existing AI models via the ONNX or FMI interfaces as well as through Python. Engineers can seamlessly connect their trained models to Synera, providing flexibility and control in deploying AI solutions within their workflows.

What can Synera's own ML/AI kernel do?

Synera's ML/AI kernel can be used for various engineering tasks, including training data preparation, model training and prediction. It also comes with some simple regression and forest models, but mainly acts as a connector to external models via the ONNX or FMU interfaces.

How can I work with Python inside Synera?

Synera allows engineers to work with native Python, providing a familiar environment for scripting and integrating AI models. This integration ensures that engineers can leverage Python's vast landscape of available AI models.

Can you create your own ROM or connect to existing ones?

Yes, Synera enables engineers to create their own, simple Reduced Order Models (ROMs) or connect to existing, more complex ones. This flexibility ensures that engineers can tailor their models to suit their specific engineering applications.

Can I speed up training data generation with cloud simulation?

Yes, you can accelerate training data generation by utilizing cloud simulation resources (like e.g. SimScale) with Synera. This enables faster data generation and enhances the efficiency of engineering processes.

What are your thoughts on the future of AI in engineering?

The future of AI in engineering is promising. AI will continue to play a pivotal role in automating routine tasks, optimizing designs, and enabling engineers to focus on innovation. Synera aims to be at the forefront of this evolution, bridging the gap between AI technology and engineering excellence to empower engineers and drive industry advancements.