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Bioinspired aeronautical tooling optimization

Innovations to reduce the weight and improve the vibration stability of aerospace assembly tools, while maintaining strict rigidity standards, and the introduction of actuators to normalise fixtures and enable a flexible assembly line were the challenges. The solution was to use bio-inspired design techniques with iterative CAD-CAE-CAM processes to meet the stringent requirements of the project. This approach harnesses the efficiency of nature and ensures an innovative and optimal solution, including the use of an ecologically designed recycled aluminium alloy.

70 % mass reduction

Improved vibrational behavior

Manufacturing directed design

70 % mass reduction

Improved vibrational behavior

Manufacturing directed design

We believe that by embracing nature's principles and leveraging advanced computational tools, we can engineer solutions that not only meet but exceed the most demanding requirements.

Ignacio Laraudogoitia

Advanced Design Researcher

Ignacio Laraudogoitia



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