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May 31, 2023

Release 23.05 Geeky Gaia

Step into Synera 23.05 Geeky Gaia, packed with game-changing features!

Our new version 23.05 Geeky Gaia with some of the most important new features is live!

Our new release is fully packed with 107 new features, 96 bugs were fixed and we want to announce the birth of a totally new product. Check out our release webinar with our Co-CEO Daniel Siegel and our Head of Academy Marvin Frank.

New features

  • Store and access your favourite workflows in "Libraries"
  • Unit System to support flexible data translation
  • Templates to speed up workflow creation
  • Boost your Python programming with Python Script node
  • Quick tips are ready when you need them
  • Take a quick tour of Synera when open Synera the first time
  • Tell us your opinion in every node help window
  • Create a workflow from dictionary data in a single step

UX and performance improvements

  • The 3D viewer is drastically faster
  • New silhouette edges option for the 3D viewer
  • Include node improvemenzt
  • Scroll through a panel with a scroll wheel

Node improvements

  • Additional expander for “Overhang constraints” settings on the "Solid Topology Variable" node
  • A new toggle input “Auto cells” on the "Write Excel File" and "Read Excel File" nodes
  • A new toggle input "Minimum box"
  • New "Taper angle" input on the "Extrude Curve" and "Extrude Surface Body" nodes
  • The Catmull-Clark algorithm in the "Subdivide Mesh" node can now handle open meshes.
  • New "Connectivity" input on the "Split Disjoint Voxel Space" node
  • The pathfinder algorithm was ported to C++ using more performant data structures
  • The "Deconstruct Dictionary" node has a new feature that allows you to automatically create a dictionary with identical key names

New Nodes

  • Utilities / Script
  • FEM
  • Data / Export
  • Data / Units
  • Utilities / Viewer
  • Data / Control
  • Utilities / Dictionary
  • Math / Operator

Get more information about the new release

Get detailed infos about all new features, UX and performance improvements, new Nodes and Node improvements in our Portal (registration needed)

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Would you like to experience the benefits of Connected Engineering and our Low-Code Platform firsthand? We invite you to test Synera's Low-Code Platform 14 days for free and discover how you can make your product development more efficient and agile. Experience the future of product development and explore the possibilities that our innovative solution offers. Click here to explore the Synera Low-Code Platform and optimize your development process for your use case today.

Or get a free demo from our CEO Daniel Siegel. Every Tuesday and Thursday he will take you on a guided tour of our synera software. You will discover how to automate your workflow and how to speed up your development process. There will also be a Q&A session where you can ask all your burning questions. Register here for free.

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